This site is born from need to test an elementary approach to a large field of
scientific knowledges,concerning laws written by God in the structure of the universe
and governing all physical phenomena that can be observed in the world in which we live.
Generally, whoever has acquired a base of scientific culture, hearing people speaking of
physics and physicists, is inclined to think exclusively to nuclear weapons and strategic
missiles, by confusing physics ( from the Greek physis = nature ), which
is the science that concerns the study of natural phenomena and the research of laws
governing these, with the various technologies ( electronic, nuclear, robotic, missile )
that are derived from applications of physical laws.
People don't consider that, while
engineers operate in several technology sectors, using in their plans the results achieved
by physicists, these make instead a pure research, which is developed without asking about
utility of its results.
The only purposes of pure physicists are the progress of the scientific knowledge and the
research of models which are useful not only to explain the physical phenomena that have
been already observed experimentally, but also to foresee new phenomena, that have been
not yet observed, because , for example, are much rare, but which could be observed and
explained in future as consequences of the physical laws that have been already
discovered by scientist community.
In the field of physical sciences the difficulties of understanding for everyone out of
science world, are connected mainly with some specific terms and with the heavy
mathematical formalism the physicists use to explain scientific theories.
We may then ask why scientist people don't try to explain physical laws in an elementary
mode, by using a common language ,observing the manifold aspects of the world in which we
live, and limiting at least the use of the mathematical formulae ?
However, besides the usefulness of knowing natural laws, it is necessary for men of the
third millennium to rediscover the pleasure of feeling amazement and curiosity in observing
the nature in all its aspects, both the most mysterious and inaccessible and the
evident and common ones, but not for this less fascinating.
One is accustomed nearly immediately to use several products of advanced technology, of
which one cannot do without, but people seldom show interest to know the physical
principles from which depends the operation of these objects, so that the most consumers
are passive and uncritical users of technology, as if the container of every technological
product represented an impenetrable barrier between the mind and the knowledge of the
physical laws that govern its operation .
A first step toward the demolition of the
barrier of incomunicability could be done by introducing into the study of the sciences, in
particular of physics, some innovative didactic methods, suitable to eliminate the clean
separation existing today between the humanistic culture and the scientific one, and by
forcing to diffuse, above all in the youths, a new mentality that promotes the formation
of a basic unitary culture of humanistic-scientific type , that is the only one able to
eliminate every prejudice to the genuine science, that has to be considered entirely a
marvellous frontier of expansion of human spirit in the boundless field of knowledge.
In this context is born the idea of giving people a new vision of nature laws, without the
little-attractive and traditional school schemes and with the purpose of stimulating
scientific curiosity concerning everything belonging to our life.